I have a confession.
I’m terrible with names.
And I’m not just terrible, but bloody awful. There are people that I’ve known for years who are still “Hey, buddy!” or “Great to see you, man!”. So you might imagine my relief at being in the company of consecrated religious where a simple ‘Father’ or ‘Sister’ will mask that shortcoming of mine.
But there are names I do remember. This is usually the case when I’ve worked with someone, or shared in some sort of traumatic experience.
Like in the case of Sister Lucia Marie OP, that’s because her First Profession of Vows took place on the eve of the universe shutting down due to COVID. The world was in utter chaos. Travel was banned, preventing her parents, friends, and relatives from attending. And the overall sentiment at the time was one of fear and uncertainty.
Fortunately, Masses in New Jersey weren’t banned yet (that would happen a few days later), and a handful of Priests and about a dozen locals were able to attend. I was invited to photograph the event so that her family could see their beloved daughter as she made her First Profession, furthering her journey of life and love with Christ.
Like I said, there are some names I do remember.
Which leads us to today.
A little over a month ago, I received an email from Sister Joseph Maria, OP, the new Prioress and former Mistress of Novices at Our Lady of the Rosary Monastery. As I read the words, a smile came to my face.
Sister Lucia Marie would be making her Solemn Profession this March.
A Solemn Profession is when a Nun makes a perpetual commitment to God according to the Rule of Saint Augustine and the Constitutions of the Dominican Sisters. It marks her total consecration to a life of prayer, community living, and dedication to the mission of the Church.
Her brother, David Langford, a seminarian back in 2020, was prevented from attending her First Profession due to the pandemic. He’s now Father David Langford and would be the principal Celebrant and homilist for the Mass.
The backdrop of her Solemn Profession would be quite the contrast to that of her First Profession.
And at 10:30 in the morning on the 2nd day of March, in a Chapel filled with close friends and family, Sr. Lucia Marie entered in procession to the sanctuary, where she would lay down her life for Christ to live within the Monastery, removed from the world to be ‘Free for God Alone’, living a life of prayer and sacrifice for the salvation of souls.
If there were ever a lifestyle that ran radically counter to today’s culture, this would be it: a life not centered on oneself but on Christ. A life not preoccupied with the material but with the spiritual. A life not weighed down by the weight of a fallen world but one raised up to the Kingdom of God and free to live in His Joy.
I’ll leave it at this.
There’s a sequence of photographs when Sister Lucia Marie received the ring and was wedded to Christ. It’s breathtaking.
Breathtaking to realize the spiritual reality taking place.
It’s to witness the heart of Sr. Lucia Marie joining the Sacred Heart of Christ.
And while it would be easy to dismiss it as ‘something that happens to other people,’ God has called each of us to an intimate relationship with him as well.
It could be the Call to religious life, or it might be through a vocation like Sacramental Marriage or Consecrated Virginity. Still, whatever it is…we’re all Called.
It’s about discerning and then accepting His invitation to whatever that Call might be.
And when you say ‘yes’ to Him, as Sister Lucia Marie did, as the Litany of Saints did, as Mary did…you will embark on an adventure beyond your wildest dreams.
One of Love, Life, and Meaning.
Something that only He can offer—that only He can give.
Sr. Lucia Marie of the Visitation OP knows that.
I pray that you and I will know that one day, too.

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Wow - I've been following the blog of the Summit monastery for years and I've seen pictures of a number of professions. These stand out, they are very, very beautiful and moving. Thank you!
Beautiful! Being in the Mystical Body of Christ allows me to feel related to Sister Lucia Maria so that I, too, may participate with joy in this great spiritual reality. These are the joys that strengthen one's soul for the journey. Thank you so much, Jeffrey!