The 2nd Edition
Greetings and welcome to the 2nd Edition. First off, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!
Thank you for your messages of support, and thank you to all who've subscribed. And a SUPER-BIG thank you to the handful of you paid subscribers! YOU are the ones who make this newsletter possible.
The 1st Edition [click HERE to see] was a little bumpy. But you have to start somewhere :-)
As I've said before about subscribing, you will always be able to subscribe and access all the content free of charge. BUT. If you can swing a paid subscription, you will be materially supporting the work that I do.
You'll be putting the gas in the tank, providing the gear, and keeping the coffee flowing on the long assignments. And you'll be responsible for allowing me to share with the world the beauty and mission of the Catholic Church. Uncensored and often otherwise untold.
In fact, without your support, I wouldn't have been able to cover the March for the Martyrs in Washington, DC, and the March for Life in Harrisburg, PA. So, once again, thank you.
Anyway, please take a look around and feel free to email me with any suggestions you might have at
And to each of you, thank you for your prayers, love, and support; know that I'm eternally grateful.
God Bless, Jeff
Random thoughts…
October is an interesting month. It’s Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month, Church Library Month, but perhaps most importantly, and I say that with all due respect for Church Librarians and those who only drink decaf, it’s Respect Life Month.
And if that’s not quite enough, Pope Leo XIII dedicated October as the Month of the Holy Rosary.
But I digress.
I was having lunch with friends one day, one of whom was a high profile pro-life leader, when he asked, “ Jeff, who’s your favorite author?” to which I casually replied, “Tom Clancy.” This drew some laughter from the table as they side-eyed me to see if I was serious.
I was.
What can I say? I like the way he tells a story.
He shared that one of Clancy’s close associates attended a Respect Life Gala. He said ‘that you can learn a lot about an author by his books ’ wink, wink.
So imagine my shock when last month I went to read Clancy’s ‘The Bear and the Dragon’ (which could be rated R by the way, so be warned), and the main character, President Jack Ryan, in a heated conversation with the Secretary of State, Arnie Van Damm exclaimed “Arnie, I’ve got four kids, remember. I was there to see them all born and be damned if you are going to tell me that abortion is okay!” This, in a book whose plot pivots on a Catholic Cardinal and Baptist minister dying in an attempt to prevent a forced late-term abortion in China.
I searched Google to see if there was anything public about Clancy’s views on abortion but came up empty. It appears that his views are relegated to the pages of his best-selling novels.
I figured I’d bring that up because he wrote Hunt for Red October…and well, it is October, and it is National Respect Life month :-)
And on that note…
The March that no one knew about, but 10 thousand showed up for anyway
Nothing could have prepared me for this. Well, that’s not true. Somebody could have told me it was happening more than 24 hours before it began…Read More
A rare photo of Dorothy Day & her beautiful words
“Love and ever more love is the only solution to every problem that comes up. If we love each other enough, we will bear with each other's faults and burdens. If we love enough, we are going to light a fire in the hearts of others. And it is love that will burn out the sins and hatreds that sadden us. It is love that will make us want to do great things for each other. No sacrifice and no suffering will then seem too much.” - Servant of God - Dorothy Day
Dorothy Day loved Staten Island. She had a cottage which she purchased with some money she received for selling the movie rights to her book ‘The Eleventh Virgin.’ in 1924.
In other news.
I don’t exactly know how it came about but The City of New York named it’s newest Staten Island Ferry after Dorothy Day. She’s not in service yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as I do. How cool would it be to be on the Maiden Voyage!
Pray with the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Renewal
Many of you have asked about praying the CFR’s, well here’s a great oppor!
DATE: Wednesday, October 27, 2021
PLACE: Planned Parenthood - 26 Bleeker St. at Mott St.
TIME: 6:00am - 6:00pm
Eucharistic Procession and Rosary followed by Latin Mass
A Eucharistic Procession through Mid-town is an incredible experience. It’s an opportunity to join in prayer and witness like no other. The Procession ends back at the Shrine of the Holy Innocents and is followed by Benediction and then Latin Mass.
DATE: Saturday, October 23, 2021
PLACE: Shrine Church of the Holy Innocents - 128 W 37th St, New York, NY 10018
TIME:Procession 10:30am - 12:30pm - Benediction and Latin Mass 1:00pm
And click HERE for the full Pro-Life Event Schedule for Respect Life Month
Meanwhile in DC…
Standing for Persecuted Christians plus a Sign of Hope
The 1st March for the Martyrs in Washington, DC took place at the end of September. That it happened is just as amazing as whose idea it was…Read More
How the Catholic Church Saved New York City | Part 3
Not too long ago I had the great privilege to sit down with Joe Campo, Founder of Grassroots Films and CEO of St. Francis House to learn about one Fr. Benedict Groeschel’s early projects, The St. Francis House in Brooklyn.
It’s just one more beautiful story about how the Catholic Faith compels people to heroic acts of love to serve those on the margins…Read More
And in honor of Columbus day…
The little-known story of Christopher Columbus and the shipwreck of the Santa Maria
“No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Savior, if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service.” Christopher Columbus
This is an amazing story that I stumbled upon while researching the origins of the Catholic Church in the Americas. I hope that it sheds at least a glimpse of just how epic a journey Columbus set upon when departing Spain in search of the Indies. But also maybe give a little perspective on who he was as a man…Read More
That’s it for this edition. Thank you for reading.
Final thought.
From unheard-of marches, young people starting new causes, to Witness for Life and 40 Days for Life events dotting the map to Rosary Crusades and prayer chains…
The Faith is alive.
There are saints in the making in every corner of the world.
And YOU are called to be one.
So pray hard, get to work, and know that even if you feel like the ‘lone voice crying out in the wilderness,’ you’re not. And your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, the Body of Christ, stand with you. As Christ, Himself strengthens you.
Know of my prayers for you, and please remember me in yours,
God Bless, Jeff