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The Cathedral in Washington is St. Matthew. The Basillica of the Immaculate Conception is a Basilica not a cathedral.

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Thank you for sharing these photos. They inspire and give me hope. So much beauty, courage, faith and devotion on display. May God bless and keep His Church strong.

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Thank you! I needed this reminder of His presence in our midst today.

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Outstanding collection! Thank you so much!

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I teared up several times while reading and viewing the photos you included, but that last one got me. Wow. Thank you for increasing my hope in the Church that I returned to in early 2022.

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Jeff, a Renaissance... I'm seeing it also. I'm seeing it in the pews, the numerous new faces at Mass each week, the growing attendance at daily Mass, the high profile conversion stories in the media and the simple, yet profound witnesses to our faith that I'm encountering almost daily in my travels. I see it in the youth of our parish, their enthusiasm for service to others, their growing love of liturgy and in their increasing rejection of this societal culture of death. I see the hunger for God and the search for truth that is only found in God everywhere I go. The Spirit is moving so powerfully and it's such an amazing, awe inspiring sight to see. God bless the Eucharistic Revival. All glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!

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